Pickling some steel


Old Fart
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2020
SoCal/North Dakota/ N Az
I’m in the process of fabricating a rack to hold 2 fuel jugs on the tongue of my teardrop trailer. My steel is rust free but I’ll need to remove the mill scale for painting. It’s a pain to grind/sand it off. Anyone pickled at home? Longest piece of steel angle will be 22” so nothing long. I have muriatic pool acid will this work? How much should I dilute it?
Design is similar to the picture below except I will run 1” angle iron risers on the corners connected to strap steel for the horizontal part. I’m using steel I have laying around at the shop so that dictates the design.

My son uses vinegar.
For the longer pieces we made a shallow "pan" with 2X4's on edge on a plywood base and lined it with heavy plastic.
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I have a plastic tray that’s the right size. I guess I’ll start with a small amount of acid and increase if needed. I have everything cut and ready to go.
I may be posting too late for you - I just saw this thread. I use muriatic acid all the time to both strip zinc plating off steel (happens in a minute or two, with vigorous bubbling) and to take off mill scale (takes a lot longer than the zinc stripping - I leave it for 24 hours, and I've never had an issue). The stuff I use is the Klean-Strip muriatic acid from Home Depot, full strength, and I re-use it over and over again until it stops working (just pour it back in the jug when done).

Klean-Strip's MSDS is purposefully vague on the concentration of the HCl:


I have used many different containers over the years, but I recently made some die inserts for my press brake that were nested angle iron pieces 19" long (see this post for a picture). I put those in a capped 4" piece of Sch 40 PVC for 24 hours, and it worked great.

Also, I think @freedom_in_4low used vinegar in PVC pipe to clean scale off some tubing used to make the railings in his house a couple years back.
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I may be posting too late for you - I just saw this thread. I use muriatic acid all the time to both strip zinc plating off steel (happens in a minute or two, with vigorous bubbling) and to take off mill scale (takes a lot longer than the zinc stripping - I leave it for 24 hours, and I've never had an issue). The stuff I use is the Klean-Strip muriatic acid from Home Depot, full strength, and I re-use it over and over again until it stops working (just pour it back in the jug when done).

Klean-Strip's MSDS is purposefully vague on the concentration of the HCl:

View attachment 520981

I have used many different containers over the years, but I recently made some die inserts for my press brake that were nested angle iron pieces 19" long (see this post for a picture). I put those in a capped 4" piece of Sch 40 PVC for 24 hours, and it worked great.

Also, I think @freedom_in_4low used vinegar in PVC pipe to clean scale off some tubing used to make the railings in his house a couple years back.

Yes, I used vinegar. It took at least a day, 2 was better, and I found temperature played a role as well...it went faster when warmer.
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I went with muriatic pool acid because it’s what I Had. I mixed 2 cups with 4 gal of water. It takes a few hrs to remove the scale. It does a great job. I rinse, blow dry and use a red scotchbrite to remove the flash rust. Pieces come out very clean and smooth. Almost dine with my project just 2 small pieces soaking now rest are welded up. I don’t know why I did not do this sooner the metal comes out great with no sanding marks.
Thanks for your input.

I've used muriatic for decades on period correct hardware on old cars. Metal prep and etch works too.

I recommend a 5 gallon bucket with a lid and do it outside. The fumes aren't good for you
I recommend a 5 gallon bucket with a lid and do it outside. The fumes aren't good for you

Good point. In addition to doing my pickling outside, I don't even store the acid in the shop. The fumes aren't good for anything metallic nearby, either. I learned that the hard way...
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Are you trying to remove all the mill scale from the entire piece?

Edit: Nevermind, I just reread your post & saw it was for painting
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